Bank Holiday Surprise: The Assault on British Democracy Continues

August 29, 2019

The UK is left reeling from the latest assault on its democracy. On 28 August, Prime Minister Boris Johnson received assent from the Queen to prorogue Parliament. If the plans go ahead, Parliament will now be suspended for five weeks ahead of 31 October, the day the UK is due to leave the EU. Boris Johnson has only spent one day under parliamentary scrutiny, and if the prorogation goes ahead, will only face it for one week. This move severely restricts MP’s room to act to stop a no-deal Brexit.

This coup flies in the face of democratic norms and is part of a wider trend. Since the EU Referendum campaign of 2016, certain political leaders have consistently demonstrated that they have a disregard for our democracy. Is a Brexit-at-all-costs worth breaking our democracy for? When and where will this end?

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